Burning questions

In the material body there are currents of energy that we call “ether” (Mind at certain rates of vibration). The flow, distribution and storage of this energy takes place in a field that surrounds the body. We call this dual etheric field.

Every material, psychic and mental body has an etheric double. Each atom and cell in the material body possesses an individual etheric double, which combines to form the etheric double of the entire material body. The etheric double of the material body affects groups of atoms and cells so that the various organs work in unison allowing the gross material body to display the phenomenon of life.

For most of us, our subconscious, depending on its composition and quality, decides the circumstances in which we live our lives. Our subconscious mind can be our best friend and our worst enemy.

It is vital to our work to gain a full understanding of the structure of our subconscious, along with developing the tools to clear and purify this “jungle within”.

The subconscious, located primarily in the solar plexus area, is divided into three chambers. The size of each room varies according to the psycho-mental development of the person.

A chamber is the repository of vital energy (etheric energy). Another chamber, so often a dense jungle, is the body of elementals that we generate and regenerate in our personality. The third chamber is the seat of the Spirit-Soul, which includes our ability to act most quickly and wisely when emergencies arise. Moreover, from this room, each of us intuitively knows the value of goodness and has the ability to discriminate between good and evil.

We call a person’s intellect mind (with lowercase letters). The product of our mind is thought (see “What is a thought?”).

Mind is the ultimate essence of everything, the super-substance from which everything has been manifested. Mind is irreducible to anything simpler than itself.

Mind and life are twins, they are the immense stream of energy which expresses itself in innumerable and diversified forms throughout the universes.

The Mind manifests itself in multiplicity but yet remains unimpaired, undiminished, and unexhausted. Mind can manifest itself in various ways, yet all of them appear to be different from each other. This is like the figure 10 which can be expressed arithmetically as 5 × 2, 6 + 4, 20/2, 10 × 1, 7 + 3, and so on. All these formulas are different representations but all their permutations all are equivalent to the same result — 10.

No amount of words are descriptive enough to help us think and read about something which lies beyond thinking. On the contrary, few words are needed to make the term “mind” meaningful to a person. His own mind known to him bears the nearest or at least some sort of resemblance to the great Mind. This term mind is so suggestive, so much easier to interpret correctly than any other word or label which might be used. Therefore, we use the term Mind (with capital letters) to stand for the ultimate reality of all things, the absolute principle of all life.

Intuition is the power of attaining direct knowledge without rational thought and inference, knowledge that is not formed because of known facts or evidence.

What conscious effort could not do can be successfully performed by the mysterious movement of the deeper layer of mind (see Subconscious).

An important point about intuition is that it does not arise deliberately but spontaneously, not voluntarily but involuntarily.

Intuition seldom occurs in a pure form but almost always in association with desires, emotions, and egoisms, which blur its message.

It is interesting to note that intuition is at its soundest when it takes a negative rather than a positive direction. It speaks to us mostly to forbid a certain course of proposed action, not to recommend one. Its voice is usually a warning one.

Thought is the intellectual product of thinking and it is created by ourselves, by modelling the super-substance Mind (see Mind). Our material brain is able to manifest this thought, our material brain does not produce the thought. Similarly, a radio set is not the source of the music that we hear, the radio set is simply able to tune into the correct frequency and pick up the music, that is produced somewhere else.

Thought is the one ingredient that makes up the temporary personality. The other one is emotion (e.g. desires).

Thought is manifested in the Noetical dimension.

A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.

We let loose our fantasy to center on some attractive material form, excitation occurs, which generates desire, that leads to the creation of conditions for satisfaction. We have, most of the time unconsciously, created a desire-thought form, with the aim of satisfying a particular desire.

This desire-thought form increases the karmic state of our personality and bonds us tighter to the material world.

Once a desire-thought form reaches its goal or satisfies its purpose, it returns to us (the creator of it), to be regenerated again with even more power. This procedure is repeated many times. It creates within our personality a terrible environment (also called hell, illness, dissatisfaction, unrest) or a strong atmosphere of love (also called heaven, health, contentment, peace).

Desire-thought forms are of two types: internal and external. Internally, created by our personality. Externally, drawn from the outside environment, so called group forms, that have been created for centuries by the perpetuation of common believes (malicious or benign).

We each live in a shell (personality) created by our own design. Our shell contains centers of attraction which draw to us the corresponding desire-thought forms that are hovering in the psycho-noetical atmosphere, desire-thought forms that others have created. The acceptance and assimilation of these forms is purely our own choice and responsibility, we cannot blame others for this.

As we have seen (see “What is a desire-thought form”), the desire-thought forms can create within our personality a terrible environment, in an uncontrolled and unconscious way. The other way is consciously for thought to be controlled and to precede the formation of a desire. The form created in this way we call thought-desire form.

Observation is awareness and attention without judgement and tension. The ability to observe and recall in detail what you have observed, is first of skills required to evolve from within.

Concentration is to focus all your thoughts on a subject of choice. To become so absorbed, undisturbed by the external world coming in through the five senses, leading to suspension of the present-day personality (present-day self). This the precondition for creative thinking and healing.

Visualisation is the ability to use thought to create thought-desire forms. See “What is a thought-desire form?”.

Introspection is an inner exploration trace the sources of your emotional and rational behaviour. With the goal of structuring your personality and subconscious.

Meditation is exploration beyond the present-day personality, exploration into the boundless ocean of Mind, towards alignment with the universal and eternal.

The relations one has (1) with family members, (2) with friends, (3) with colleagues at job, (4) with environment and nature, and, last but certainly not least, (5) with yourself forms the environment in which we daily operate.